my region of research, Eastern Europe is pulling itself out of poverty. I quote from the World Bank home page.
"Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union have witnessed a significant decrease in poverty since the Russian financial crisis of 1998-99. Almost 40 million people moved out of poverty from 1998-2003. Three key factors contributed to poverty reduction: growth in wages, growth in employment, and more adequate social transfers. But poverty and vulnerability persist: more than 60 million people live on less than $2 a day."
This is what my research is more or less all about, that these poor countries get a fair chance at a decent living. I am happy. Cheers everybody. Let´s continue working in this same direction.
My dissertatino is about legal conditions for growth. It deepens the understanding of this subject. Law, and legal system development has been very much in focus by major organisations, such as the World Bank, WHO, WTO, UN, EBRD etc etc. That's becuse they are so very fundamental, and difficult to get right in a short time span. However, the World Bank report does not focus at all on legal matters, which is not correct. Law matter for growth, a whole lot. The report was more focused on social matters. The shock therapy that Russia went through, was, detrimental, to say the least. And we need to correct those sad mistakes that have led Russians to distrust their government so much. My poor, sad, and loved Russia.